Solary Park Oviedo, Florida
In lieu of a traditional stormwater retention pond, the City of Oviedo and Dix.Hite worked to create an innovative park that provides both recreational and educational opportunities while helping to improve local water quality. The trailhead provides connections to local and regional multi-use trails with shaded seating areas and bike facilities. A boardwalk and trail create a loop around the pond, including a “Creekwalk” that meanders through a cypress grove along the restored Sweetwater Creek. Littoral zones within the pond and creek were carefully designed to provide habitat and treat water. Flexible lawn spaces create areas for the community to gather, play, and relax. The park includes rain gardens with educational signage to provide opportunities to teach users about the local water system.
City of Oviedo
Project Services
Master Planning
Landscape Architecture
Green Infrastructure Design
Design Team
Dix.Hite + Partners
Bentley Architects