Novel Lucerne Orlando, Florida
Containing residential units overtop a grocery store and restaurants, Novel Lucerne is a mixed-use development in the SoDo District of Orlando. Dix.Hite designed an engaging and accommodating environment that provides pedestrian access and public space connecting the development, a nearby hotel, and the main street through the downtown area. The streetscape includes a trail, sidewalks, a promenade and a public park. The design of the public realm allows it to interface seamlessly with the surrounding neighborhoods and nearby Orlando Regional Medical Center. Dix.Hite was also responsible for the landscape architectural design of the private amenity spaces which securely connect to the surrounding urban design components. .
Crescent Communities
Project Services
Landscape Architecture
Streetscape Design
Public Realm Design
Design Team
Dix.Hite + Partners
The Preston Partnership
GAI Consultants
Structural Concepts & Design
Pro Turf Designs