Jacksonville Beach Downtown Action Plan Jacksonville Beach, Florida
The Jacksonville Beach Downtown Action Plan continues the efforts of the 2007 Vision Plan and outlines the next steps while responding to the real-world needs of the City’s public realm, including park spaces, streets, plazas, and their relationship to private development. Dix.Hite is leading the effort to develop design and implementation strategies for the City’s brand standards, lighting performance and aesthetics, site furnishing palette, art master plan, and signage and wayfinding. Dix.Hite is also designing two of the City’s premiere park and gateway spaces, Latham Park and the City Pier entry plaza. This project is currently in design development.
City of Jacksonville Beach
Project Services
Public Workshop
Lighting Design
Wayfinding & Signage Design
Landscape Architecture
Design Team
Dix.Hite + Partners
PlanActive Studio